
Checking distance of support inliers to ellipse

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According to "Adaptive Inliers Criterion" section of your paper, support inliers distance to initial ellipse candidate should be less than some threshold. However, function calcEllipseParametersAndValidate does not perform that check and function d_rosin is defined but not used. Therefore implementation allows for support inliers which are far from ellipse and still satsify regional limitation like some arc inside larger ellipse.

Am I missing something or this is on your roadmap?

Hi, I also found this issue. But, I found that, in the function calcEllipseParametersAndValidate, the points used for "Adaptive Inliers Criterion" are the inliers of each LS rectangle in two LSs group. Maybe the author thought that the distance from these points to the current ellipse must meet the d_rosin-conition?