
No Random Encounters after installing FF6 version

TehLostOne opened this issue · 6 comments

Title, turning on speed with F1 works fine. F2 will trigger 'e' to appear on screen, and remove it, but always has no encounters

Having the same issue. Installed Memoria after starting the game and then "random encounters" were gone. Toggling with F2 makes no difference. Deleting the FF6 mod turns "random encounters" back on.

Happening here as well. If it is at all helpful, I've attached my log.


Having the same issue. Log attached.

[Error  :    Detour] System.BadImageFormatException: Method with open type while not compiling gshared
File name: 'Assembly-CSharp'
  at (wrapper dynamic-method) MonoMod.Utils.DynamicMethodDefinition.(il2cpp -> managed) CheckEncount(intptr,intptr,intptr*,UnhollowerBaseLib.Runtime.Il2CppMethodInfo*)

Same issue.