
Cinematic mode command not working

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Alchemy Beta 64bit


When turning off the UI with cinematic mode (or with the usual command) gets your viewer stuck without HUDs or UI. I often have to use task manager to close the viewer when this happens, as I can’t even confirm to quit the viewer.

Otherwise its running fine. I do use ReShade but this happens with and without it installed.

Reproduction steps

  1. I turned on cinematic mode, using the button in the menu not the command
  2. Waited longer about 5-10 minutes as I was adjusting a pose
  3. I tried to turn the UI back on with the Cinematic Mode command, and it would not.

Thank you! I'll try this when I'm home!

DO NO CLICK ON THE LINK, It is spam. It is being dealt with right now

@anthropophobic just to confirm that alt+shift+c does not exit cinematic mode for you? Does it enable cinematic mode? If not how are you getting into cinematic mode?

Also yes the deleted comment contained a link to malware, it is recommended not to click the link or attempt to download it.

@anthropophobic just to confirm that alt+shift+c does not exit cinematic mode for you? Does it enable cinematic mode? If not how are you getting into cinematic mode?

I haven't tried using the command to enable it - I use the menu option to enable it not the command, and then I try to use the command to get out of cinematic mode since obviously the UI is gone.

It sounds like something in your background or your operating system itself is capturing the shortcut then. We can't provide help with that as it's outside of our scope, and since you neglected to provide your full environment I can offer no informed speculation.

I previously suggested this resource to a Windows user with a similar issue

As this cannot be identified as bug in Alchemy I am closing this issue for now, however you are welcome to request support on our Discord. If further troubleshooting uncovers new evidence of this being an Alchemy defect, this issue can be reopened or referenced.