
my ROS Example error

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I have began to implement monocular ROS code..

my code:


#include <cv_bridge/cv_bridge.h>


#include <Viewer.h>

using namespace std;

class ImageGrabber
    ImageGrabber(ORB_SLAM2::System* pSLAM):mpSLAM(pSLAM){}

    void GrabImage(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg);

    ORB_SLAM2::System* mpSLAM;

ORB_SLAM2::System *Sistema;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    ros::init(argc, argv, "Mono");

    if(argc != 3)
        cerr << endl << "Usage: rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono path_to_vocabulary path_to_settings" << endl;        
        return 1;

    // Create SLAM system. It initializes all system threads and gets ready to process frames.
    ORB_SLAM2::System SLAM(argv[1],argv[2],ORB_SLAM2::System::MONOCULAR,true,NULL);
    Sistema = &SLAM;
    ORB_SLAM2::Viewer* visor = SLAM.mpViewer;
    visor->duracion = false;

    ImageGrabber igb(&SLAM);

    ros::NodeHandle nodeHandler;
    //ros::Subscriber sub = nodeHandler.subscribe("/camera/left/image_rect", 1, &ImageGrabber::GrabImage,&igb);
    ros::Subscriber sub = nodeHandler.subscribe("/usb_cam/image_raw", 1, &ImageGrabber::GrabImage,&igb);

    // Stop all threads

    // Save camera trajectory


    return 0;

void ImageGrabber::GrabImage(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg)
    // Copy the ros image message to cv::Mat.
    cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cv_ptr;
        cv_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvShare(msg);
    catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e)
        ROS_ERROR("cv_bridge exception: %s", e.what());


then when press ctrl+c,

Finishing the SLAM builder.

Saving keyframe trajectory to KeyFrameTrajectory.txt ...

trajectory saved!
QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread

How should I implement monocular ROS code??

@takuhara ,

I'm not familiar with ROS, but I appreciate you're trying to implement it.

All I can say is main() has a while(true) as main loop, where image are taken from source and passed to System::TrackMonocular.

When your ROS code works, I'll add to os1 code, if you're ok with it.

(I am using Google translation.)

The above code is a slight modification of raulmur's original ROS code.
SLAM works properly.

In order to stop execution, when ctcl + c is pressed on the terminal, ros :: spin () catches the signal and SLAM.Shutdown () or SLAM.SaveKeyFrameTrajectoryTUM ("KeyFrameTrajectory.txt") is executed.
However, the terminal freezes at the end or an error "QObject :: ~ QObject: Timers can not be stopped from another thread" occurs.

From now on, I would like to explore the cause.


I don't use that code in this project, but I can tell you same happened to me when using orb-slam2.

QObject is a class from Qt, which opencv uses to display frames. Perhaps Qt has its own timers, and I don't remember orb-slam2 System::Shutdown asking Qt for shutdown, so I believe that's the cause, but it shouldn't affect orb-slam2 ending properly.

Orb-slam2 uses opencv window to display frames in DrawFrame. OpenCV window uses Qt if it is available. Perhaps properly closing that window during shutdown prevents that error.


As you say, if I delete cv :: namedWindow ("ORB - SLAM 2: Current Frame") and later code in Viewer :: Run (), no error occurred.
Later, I will insert destroyAllWindows etc. and try to verify.

I had the same happend when using orb-slam2.
I want to know the details about how to peoperly closing that window except "ctrl+c", and how to prevent that error.


You mean Qt error at closing?

Do as @takahura said, delete opencv window. I'm not doing it, perhaps opencv documentation can help you to close the window.

I can add Qt is not mandatory in orb-slam2 nor os1. When installing opencv, if qt is installed opencv uses it. You can disable qt in cmake during opencv installation.