
Out of place pronoun badge

Opened this issue · 2 comments

The pronoun badge is listed between other badges and it feels strange having it as such as its text.

Is it possible to have the pronoun badge at the very end of a users badge list?
(I've seen the other issue regarding the badge changing position on hover and this isn't the issue here. It doesn't change for me on win10 x64 chrome - up to date at the time of posting)

This repository is for the standalone extension for Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

This issue relates to the FFZ Add-on from the FrankerFaceZ/Add-Ons repository. I will leave this PR open for 24 hours, in case @SirStendec wants to comment here. But I would suggest opening this issue in the aforementioned repository.

Oh gotcha, thanks I might just do that. Apologies for my blunder.

EDIT: Same issue applies to the standalone extension
EDIT 2: It seems after uninstalling and reinstalling the standalone extension, it works all of a sudden. Weird, possibly something to look into? But, I guess it's fixed?