
Follow-along of https://craftinginterpreters.com/ to create jlox, a Java-based interpreter for the Lox didactic programming language.

Primary LanguageJava


A Java compiler for the Lox programming language. Written as a follow-along of the book Crafting Interpreters by Bob Nystrom.

Lox Grammar

The grammar production rules for Lox are listed below. Rules at the top have a lower precedence than ones at the bottom.

<program>                ::= <declaration>* EOF
<declaration>            ::= <varDeclaration> | <functionDeclaration> | <statement>
<varDeclaration>         ::= "var" IDENTIFIER ( "=" <expression> )? ";"
<functionDeclaration>    ::= "fun" <function>
<function>               ::= IDENTIFIER "(" <parameters>? ")" <block>
<parameters>             ::= IDENTIFIER ( "," IDENTIFIER )*

<statement>              ::= <printStatement> | 
                             <expressionStatement> | 
                             <blockStatement> | 
                             <ifStatement> |
<printStatement>         ::= "print " <expression> ";"
<expressionStatement>    ::= <expression> ";"
<blockStatement>         ::= "{" <declaration>* "}"
<ifStatement>            ::= "if" "(" <expression> ")" <statement> ( "else" <statement> )?
<whileStatement>         ::= "while" "(" <expression> ")" <statement>
<forStatement>           ::= "for" "(" ( <varDeclaration> | <expressionStatement> | ";" )
                                <expression>? ";" 
                                <expression>? ")" <statement>
<expression>             ::= <assignment>
<assignment>             ::= IDENTIFIER "=" <assignment> | <logic_or>
<logic_or>               ::= <logic_and> ( "or" <logic_and> )*
<logic_and>              ::= <equality> ( "and" <equality> )*
<equality>               ::= <comparison> ( ("!="|"==") <comparison> )*
<comparison>             ::= <term> ( (">"|">="|"<"|"<=") <term> )*
<term>                   ::= <factor> ( ("-"|"+") <factor> )*
<factor>                 ::= <unary> ( ("/"|"*") <unary> )*
<unary>                  ::= ("!"|"-") <unary> | <call>
<call>                   ::= <primary> ( "(" <arguments>? ")" )*
<arguments>              ::= <expression> ( "," <expression> )*
<primary>                ::= "false" | 
                             "true" | 
                             "nil" | 
                             "(" <expression> ")" | 

Getting Started

Ensure you have the latest version of Java installed for your system. I used Java 17 for this project, specifically openjdk 17.0.9, on WSL 2.

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Run make build to build the executables.
  3. Then, you can run either:
  • make run to run the REPL interpreter, or
  • make run FILE=path/to/test/file.lox to execute a .lox source file.