
List wrong transform, if comment exist after loop

AleshaOleg opened this issue · 5 comments

Transform will be wrong if Sass AST have loop type and comment after it. Need to investigate this bug, and fix this. Example of 'Sass' string with bug:

$empty: ()

@each $el in $empty
        content: $el

$list-space: "1" "2" "3"

@each $el in $list-space
        content: $el
// comment
$list-comma: ("4", "5", "6")

@each $el in $list-comma
        content: $el

$list-2-dim: ((7 8) (9 10))

@each $el in $list-2-dim
    @each $el2 in $el
            content: $el2

It appears, that all '\n' are being teared up after loop block, thus two newliners before '$list-space: "1" "2" "3"' and '$list-2-dim: ((7 8) (9 10))' are deleted as well

will post a POC a bit later

this line magically fixes problem, but need investigation on how it happens

Now it's fixed in development branch, need to make more snapshot tests, to be clear that everything working as expected.

Fixed for now.