
Unsupported operand type(s)

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While running your code with Python 3.8.5, I'm getting the following error:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'NoneType' and 'float'

It is occurring at this line:

self.weights -= learning_rate * (np.transpose(self.last_input[np.newaxis]) @ dt[np.newaxis])

I thought the issue was caused by self.last_input = None, but the forward pass assigns values to self.last_input. Any suggestions as to where the issue might be? @AlessandroSaviolo

I am also facing the same issue, if you have solved it kindl post the answer? @Hommus

@MuhammadShifa Unfortunately, I haven't used this repository in a while and no longer have the solution. Best of luck with the problem though!

Can you tell how did you figured out the issue ? @Hommus | If you didn't can you help by answering , how did you did CNN from scratch. I will be very grateful...

Finally, got the bug ... You see , in file , the lr_schedule functon returns only learning rate when Iteration is 0 or above 10,000 , I think @AlessandroSaviolo forget to mention ' above zero or less than 10,000 ' should return learning rate also .Here is the working code ,replace it with that 'lr schedule function' in |

 def lr_schedule(learning_rate, iteration):
    if iteration == 0:
        return learning_rate
    if (iteration >= 0) and (iteration <= 10000): # add this additional condition to resolve the bug
        return learning_rate
    if iteration > 10000:
        return learning_rate * 0.1
    if iteration > 30000:
        return learning_rate * 0.1 

The learning rate is None because no argument was passed when the iteration is greater than 0 , So when the iteration 2nd hit , it became None and couldn't multipy with the Float value ... as @Hommus mentioned the error .... When you add an additional 'if condition' for greater than zero , it will no longer gives that error and the CNN will work completely fine. I hope my answer is clear ...

I am also facing the same issue, if you have solved it kindl post the answer? @Hommus

Inbox me

Thank you for pointing this out. Accepted the pull request. Closing.