
Django project build with MongoDB using Djongo

Primary LanguagePython

Exchange Djongo

My BTC exchange demo application, which can be tried on Heroku.

Project Description

Project build with python framework using Django. The platform has the following features:

  • Endpoint to manage user registration and access.
  • It automatically assigns each registered user a random amount of money and BTC.
  • Each user can sell BTC and buy BTC and the transactions are saved con MongoDB.
  • Endpoint to get all active sell orders that are not matched yet.
  • Endpoint to see all user's profits



  • Set a virtual environment
  • Install requirements.txt
  • Run migration excecuting with:

python manage.py migrate

To run the Django development server and tailwind in dev mode, execute the following commands:

python manage.py runserver

python manage.py tailwind start

Next, open the following URL in your browser: