kpmenu can't open database
jm355 opened this issue · 6 comments
I have database called passwords.kbdx with a Passwords.key file and password that I use with keepassxc (which does work to open it), but kpmenu can't open it no matter how I specify the three necessary parameters (config file, argument, inputting when asked, etc).
It always outputs this:
2019/03/25 09:12:17 failed to open database: Wrong password? Database integrity check failed
2019/03/25 09:12:17 waiting for goroutines to end
but I know my password is correct because I've tried it several times. Any ideas about what could be the issue? Thanks!
Do you have the same problem even if you insert your credentials into kpmenu config file?
You should open an issue on 😉
Give some info about your keepassx and database version!
I will close this issue because its not directly related to kpmenu.
Anyway, to be really sure that its not related to kpmenu I will test my other databases as soon as I get home.
Thanks! I played around a bit with their example and it looks like the issue is the keyfile. It works fine with keepassxc, but I'll see about making an issue on their project
I tested a new database generated with KeePass, it works without problems.
Both pw and pw+keyfile.
Just one tip for you, if you set up the config file with a keyfile option, remember to disable it if you are trying to open another database, for example:
kpmenu -d database.kdbx -k ""