
Project that is being developed in the course "react native na veia" by Catapulta Club

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React Native logo


This project is to learn react-native Framework

React Native

  • Version ~> "0.69.5"

🏗 Running

  • Pre running[Androiod][Ios]
    • run npm install
  • IOS:
    • run npx pod-install && npx react-native run-ios
  • Android
    • run npx react-native run-android

Folder Structure

├─ __tests__        # Global setup tests
├─ android          # Native android Files
├─ ios              # Native ios Files
├─ src              # Source files
│   ├─ @types       # Contain all global definitions of types and interfaces
│   ├─ assets       # Contains Js bundles assets. e.q: icons, splashs, images etc...
│   ├─ components   # Contain all global react components
│   ├─ constants    # Constants files
│   ├─ contexts     # All contexts
│   ├─ hooks        # Customized hooks
│   ├─ routes
│   ├─ screens
│   ├─ services     # Contain external and api services
│   ├─ services     # Application entry
├─ index            # Bundle entry
└─ README.md