How to use this with SSH remote
GitMensch opened this issue · 15 comments
Or: Do you plan to add REH binaries?
@GitMensch Actually, everytime I build, it makes reh archives. I didn't think anyone wanted or used it, because isn't that just the web version of VSCode? Because in that case there's really no point, and Codium doesn't offer any benefit over upstream. Codium is for people who want compiler optimization, to use it on old OSes i.e. windows 7, or because they dislike the vscodium logo.
@GitMensch OOOO ok. I will release the reh archives alongside them from now on. Thnx. Sorry I didn't before, I could have the whole time because it builds it as part of the whole compilation process, I just didn't think it was necessary. I never use the web version, ssh, or the tunnel introduced recently, so I didn't know anything about it.
@GitMensch Latest 1.87.2 version has REH for Linux and Windows >
Than you. The codium_reh works on my boxes; to have that automatically installed by Open SSH Remote one can configure (=override) its setting remote.SSH.serverDownloadUrlTemplate
But the installation would have to be done manually for now, as its install script expects it to have in gzip'd tar format, not as zip file
To ease that and allow automatic installation - can you please adjust the reh binaries to be made available as tar.gz?
Jut out of interest: your binaries include node 16.17.1; is there a plan to increase that or is that version necesary to support older environments?
@GitMensch Yeah, next release I can leave them as .tar.gz
And well, as you know this fork is using Node 16 and Electron 22 for old OS support, i.e. Windows 7/8/8.1 & Ubuntu 18.04/Debian 9. But actually, VSCodium is also using Node16 (only for the REH archives), see >
@GitMensch How are the reh archives working for you now? I am making Linux and Windows ones, using Node 16 (same node as the Electron 22.3.27 that this fork is using)