
White Input Boxes

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I updated the theme today and now every "input boxes" where you can input text render pretty weirdly, see pictures.

0_01 25 40
9_01 25 06

I don't know if you are already aware of this so I'm posting it here. Thank you for creating this very nice theme by the way !

It's because the latest update was made for Discord Canary (Beta of Discord) ^^


It's probably gonna be a while till we see these menus hit the main build, but the theme has already moved towards Canary features, including a rewrite of the theme.


Oh okay, thank you guys for the info. I'll try to switch to canary 😄

if I can state my comment on here, this is actually broken on Canary as well, since I use it myself..
We are currently doing a rewrite, so this issue should be solved in a short time

Okay, thank you very much Alex!

It's fixed as of now 😉