
Latest canary update broke pretty much everything

sylveon opened this issue · 7 comments

Latest canary update broke pretty much everything

Confirming this as well, but it's not everything after looking around. Seems to be the top title bar that is mis-colored and text box that's now higher than the mic/headphone/setting bar. All other boxes and settings when clicked on seem to be normal.

.titleBar-3_fDwJ {
  background: #181818;

.container-iksrDt {
  background: #212121;

.chat.flex-vertical.flex-spacer .title-qAcLxz {
  background: #212121;

.flex-spacer.flex-vertical form {
  background: #303030;

.channelTextAreaEnabled-c05Zpy.channelTextArea-1HTP3C.channelTextArea-os01xC {
  background: #303030;

.innerEnabled-gLHeOL.inner-3if5cm.flex-3B1Tl4.innerNoAutocomplete-kaUXJZ {
  background: #303030;
  border-radius: 0;
  margin-bottom: -1.6em;
  margin-top: 0.3em;

Should be a quick fix for anyone locally, it's a hacky way of doing things but it works xD
Idk about Transparent tho, I don't use it

Yeah, I woke up to see this


But don't worry, I will fix this now :3



Final conclusion

  • Broken things have been fixed
  • Added some small tweaks ;)


pinned messages and mentions dropdown has a small glitch. you can't see the @ or pin on top-left when its opened