
Proposal to use `wmi` PyPi module instead of Powershell

kernel-dev opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm wondering if it's a good idea to transform the entire application to use the wmi package instead of executing Powershell commands via subprocess.

It's an implementation of the WMI API using pywintypes, accommodated for Python's internal types, of course. I believe it is far more efficient, in its entirety, compared to running Powershell via subprocess.

For example, the current method to obtain the CPU goes as follows:

    def cpu(self):
        """ Get the current CPU you got """
        ps = self.powershell("Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Processor -ComputerName. | Select-Object -Property name")
        find_cpu = re.compile(r"\rname\r[-]{1,}\r(.*?)\r").search(ps)
        return if find_cpu else "Not found...??"

By using the WMI module, we could possibly simplify it to:

    # Where:
    #    import wmi
    #        ...
    #        self.wmi = wmi.WMI()
    def cpu(self):
        """ Get the current CPU """
        # Obtain the first CPU identity
            # The CPU model
            return self.wmi.instances("Win32_Processor")[0].wmi_property("Name").value
        except Exception:
            return "Not found...??"

Converted entire code to use this package and can confirm that it works, thank you for the suggestion ❤️
Will be uploaded to PyPi as version 1.3.2 I think