
Not equipping anything

Opened this issue · 14 comments

I just did an "/ag scan" and as shown there were two upgrades:

However none of them were equipped. This is cataclysm classic.

If I load pawn and select to override scale with feral everying equips fine.

Thanks for the report. I can't reproduce this here, so please enable /ag debuginfo and then show me screenshots of the following:

  1. your AutoGear options menu
  2. the tooltips for all 4 of those items

Doing this will help me investigate what AutoGear might be doing that I haven't seen before.

FYI, you can paste images (like cropped screenshots) directly from your clipboard into GitHub messages for convenience. You don't have to paste a link from imgur.

I still can't reproduce this. I tried disabling Pawn evaluation and disabling a scale override, and I didn't see the issue. The upgrades I removed from my character were equipped. Are you still able to reproduce this?

I reproduced an issue that was like this. Quest rewards in my quest log that I didn't actually have were being considered best currently-available items, which was causing AutoGear to try to equip them and failing. I've resolved that issue now and pushed the change to the master branch. Can you please test it there and confirm those items were quest rewards in the quest log?

I think this is resolved, so I'm closing the ticket now. Please let me know if you can still reproduce this and I'll reopen the ticket. Thanks for your report.

I got it again on a warrior below level 10 (spec none)

AG Config:

Spec (below level 10):

Tooltip with debuginfo:

I am getting this as well on SoD Era. In chat In the chat logs say items are being equiped, but they are not.

Are these items you actually have? Is it happening outside combat? Can I get more details? I haven't seen this yet, so the more details I can get, the better. I need to know how it can happen to be able to understand why it's happening to some people and not me.

I just ran 4 dungeons and quested for 2 hours, got multiple upgrades from both quests and automatic loot rolls, and never encountered this issue. How can I reproduce it? Under what circumstances are you seeing it?

Are either of you able to reproduce this issue again and then /dump AutoGearBestItems[10] and copy the text output with a chat addon like Prat that lets you copy-paste from the chat? Also /dump AutoGearEquippedItems[10] and /dump AutoGearActionQueue might tell me something.

Nothing was equipped. Of course I first saw you message after and now it works. It doesn't work sporadically.

Got it. I can add that I did not roll on gear in a dungeon either:

[09:16:07] Dump: value=AutoGearBestItems[10] [09:16:07] [1]={ [09:16:07] info={ [09:16:07] Intellect=9, [09:16:07] isGear=true, [09:16:07] shouldShowScoreInTooltip=1, [09:16:07] Haste=9, [09:16:07] bop=1, [09:16:07] item={ [09:16:07] GetItemLocation=<function>, [09:16:07] SetItemLink=<function>, [09:16:07] HasItemLocation=<function>, [09:16:07] LockItem=<function>, [09:16:07] itemLocation={ [09:16:07] Clear=<function>, [09:16:07] IsEquipmentSlot=<function>, [09:16:07] IsEqualToBagAndSlot=<function>, [09:16:07] equipmentSlotIndex=10, [09:16:07] SetBagAndSlot=<function>, [09:16:07] IsBagAndSlot=<function>, [09:16:07] SetEquipmentSlot=<function>, [09:16:07] HasAnyLocation=<function>, [09:16:07] GetEquipmentSlot=<function>, [09:16:07] IsEqualToEquipmentSlot=<function>, [09:16:07] IsEqualTo=<function>, [09:16:07] GetBagAndSlot=<function> [09:16:07] }, [09:16:07] GetItemID=<function>, [09:16:07] IsItemDataCached=<function>, [09:16:07] GetInventoryTypeName=<function>, [09:16:07] GetCurrentItemLevel=<function>, [09:16:07] GetItemQualityColor=<function>, [09:16:07] UnlockItem=<function>, [09:16:07] Clear=<function>, [09:16:07] GetItemIcon=<function>, [09:16:07] ContinueOnItemLoad=<function>, [09:16:07] ContinueWithCancelOnItemLoad=<function>, [09:16:07] SetItemLocation=<function>, [09:16:07] IsItemLocked=<function>, [09:16:07] IsItemInPlayersControl=<function>, [09:16:07] IsDataEvictable=<function>, [09:16:07] GetItemGUID=<function>, [09:16:07] GetInventoryType=<function>, [09:16:07] IsItemEmpty=<function>, [09:16:07] GetStaticBackingItem=<function>, [09:16:07] SetItemID=<function>, [09:16:07] GetItemQuality=<function>, [09:16:07] GetItemName=<function>, [09:16:07] GetItemLink=<function> [09:16:07] }, [09:16:07] Armor=73, [09:16:07] equipped=true, [09:16:07] validGearSlots={ [09:16:07] [1]=10 [09:16:07] }, [09:16:07] invType=10, [09:16:07] link="|[Gloves of Shadowy Mist]|", [09:16:07] rarityColor={ [09:16:07] hex="|", [09:16:07] r=0, [09:16:07] color={ [09:16:07] a=1, [09:16:07] b=0.8666667342186, [09:16:07] g=0.43921571969986, [09:16:07] GetRGBA=<function>, [09:16:07] IsRGBEqualTo=<function>, [09:16:07] SetRGB=<function>, [09:16:07] GetRGB=<function>, [09:16:07] r=0, [09:16:07] GenerateHexColorMarkup=<function>, [09:16:07] WrapTextInColorCode=<function>, [09:16:07] GenerateHexColor=<function>, [09:16:07] IsEqualTo=<function>, [09:16:07] OnLoad=<function>, [09:16:07] GenerateHexColorNoAlpha=<function>, [09:16:07] SetRGBA=<function>, [09:16:07] GetRGBAsBytes=<function>, [09:16:07] GetRGBAAsBytes=<function> [09:16:07] }, [09:16:07] g=0.43921571969986, [09:16:07] b=0.8666667342186 [09:16:07] }, [09:16:07] numValidGearSlots=1, [09:16:07] classID=4, [09:16:07] id=18306, [09:16:07] name="Gloves of Shadowy Mist", [09:16:07] subclassID=1, [09:16:07] Stamina=9, [09:16:07] usable=1, [09:16:07] rarity=3, [09:16:07] guid="Item-4453-0-40000005311C9948" [09:16:07] }, [09:16:07] score=14.923, [09:16:07] equipped=1 [09:16:07]

[09:17:43] Dump: value=AutoGearEquippedItems[10] [09:17:43] [1]={ [09:17:43] equipped=1, [09:17:43] score=14.923, [09:17:43] info={ [09:17:43] Intellect=9, [09:17:43] isGear=true, [09:17:43] guid="Item-4453-0-40000005311C9948", [09:17:43] Haste=9, [09:17:43] bop=1, [09:17:43] item={ [09:17:43] GetItemLocation=<function>, [09:17:43] SetItemLink=<function>, [09:17:43] HasItemLocation=<function>, [09:17:43] LockItem=<function>, [09:17:43] itemLocation={ [09:17:43] Clear=<function>, [09:17:43] IsEquipmentSlot=<function>, [09:17:43] IsEqualToBagAndSlot=<function>, [09:17:43] equipmentSlotIndex=10, [09:17:43] SetBagAndSlot=<function>, [09:17:43] IsBagAndSlot=<function>, [09:17:43] SetEquipmentSlot=<function>, [09:17:43] HasAnyLocation=<function>, [09:17:43] GetEquipmentSlot=<function>, [09:17:43] IsEqualToEquipmentSlot=<function>, [09:17:43] GetBagAndSlot=<function>, [09:17:43] IsEqualTo=<function> [09:17:43] }, [09:17:43] GetItemID=<function>, [09:17:43] IsItemDataCached=<function>, [09:17:43] GetInventoryTypeName=<function>, [09:17:43] GetCurrentItemLevel=<function>, [09:17:43] GetItemQualityColor=<function>, [09:17:43] UnlockItem=<function>, [09:17:43] Clear=<function>, [09:17:43] GetItemIcon=<function>, [09:17:43] IsItemLocked=<function>, [09:17:43] GetItemLink=<function>, [09:17:43] SetItemLocation=<function>, [09:17:43] GetItemName=<function>, [09:17:43] IsItemInPlayersControl=<function>, [09:17:43] GetItemQuality=<function>, [09:17:43] GetItemGUID=<function>, [09:17:43] GetInventoryType=<function>, [09:17:43] IsItemEmpty=<function>, [09:17:43] GetStaticBackingItem=<function>, [09:17:43] SetItemID=<function>, [09:17:43] IsDataEvictable=<function>, [09:17:43] ContinueWithCancelOnItemLoad=<function>, [09:17:43] ContinueOnItemLoad=<function> [09:17:43] }, [09:17:43] Armor=73, [09:17:43] equipped=true, [09:17:43] usable=1, [09:17:43] validGearSlots={ [09:17:43] [1]=10 [09:17:43] }, [09:17:43] invType=10, [09:17:43] link="|[Gloves of Shadowy Mist]|", [09:17:43] rarityColor={ [09:17:43] hex="|", [09:17:43] r=0, [09:17:43] color={ [09:17:43] a=1, [09:17:43] b=0.8666667342186, [09:17:43] g=0.43921571969986, [09:17:43] GetRGBA=<function>, [09:17:43] IsRGBEqualTo=<function>, [09:17:43] SetRGB=<function>, [09:17:43] GetRGB=<function>, [09:17:43] r=0, [09:17:43] GenerateHexColorMarkup=<function>, [09:17:43] WrapTextInColorCode=<function>, [09:17:43] GenerateHexColor=<function>, [09:17:43] IsEqualTo=<function>, [09:17:43] OnLoad=<function>, [09:17:43] GenerateHexColorNoAlpha=<function>, [09:17:43] SetRGBA=<function>, [09:17:43] GetRGBAsBytes=<function>, [09:17:43] GetRGBAAsBytes=<function> [09:17:43] }, [09:17:43] g=0.43921571969986, [09:17:43] b=0.8666667342186 [09:17:43] }, [09:17:43] numValidGearSlots=1, [09:17:43] classID=4, [09:17:43] shouldShowScoreInTooltip=1, [09:17:43] Stamina=9, [09:17:43] name="Gloves of Shadowy Mist", [09:17:43] rarity=3, [09:17:43] subclassID=1, [09:17:43] id=18306 [09:17:43] } [09:17:43] }

The buffer in prat was not quite large enough for /dump AutoGearActionQueue but here is what I could get:

[09:19:03] SetItemID=<function>, [09:19:03] IsDataEvictable=<function>, [09:19:03] ContinueWithCancelOnItemLoad=<function>, [09:19:03] ContinueOnItemLoad=<function> [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] usable=1, [09:19:03] Spirit=7, [09:19:03] shouldShowScoreInTooltip=1, [09:19:03] validGearSlots={ [09:19:03] [1]=11, [09:19:03] [2]=12 [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] invType=11, [09:19:03] link="|[Tumultuous Ring of the Moon]|", [09:19:03] rarityColor={ [09:19:03] hex="|", [09:19:03] r=0, [09:19:03] color={ [09:19:03] a=1, [09:19:03] b=0.8666667342186, [09:19:03] g=0.43921571969986, [09:19:03] GetRGBA=<function>, [09:19:03] IsRGBEqualTo=<function>, [09:19:03] SetRGB=<function>, [09:19:03] GetRGB=<function>, [09:19:03] r=0, [09:19:03] GenerateHexColorMarkup=<function>, [09:19:03] WrapTextInColorCode=<function>, [09:19:03] GenerateHexColor=<function>, [09:19:03] IsEqualTo=<function>, [09:19:03] OnLoad=<function>, [09:19:03] GenerateHexColorNoAlpha=<function>, [09:19:03] SetRGBA=<function>, [09:19:03] GetRGBAsBytes=<function>, [09:19:03] GetRGBAAsBytes=<function> [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] g=0.43921571969986, [09:19:03] b=0.8666667342186 [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] numValidGearSlots=2, [09:19:03] classID=4, [09:19:03] equipped=false, [09:19:03] Stamina=4, [09:19:03] name="Tumultuous Ring of the Moon", [09:19:03] rarity=3, [09:19:03] subclassID=0, [09:19:03] id=51992 [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] container=0 [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] [3]={ [09:19:03] replaceSlot=16, [09:19:03] action="equip", [09:19:03] slot=9, [09:19:03] score=12.172, [09:19:03] t=97720.998, [09:19:03] info={ [09:19:03] Intellect=7, [09:19:03] isGear=true, [09:19:03] guid="Item-4453-0-40000005311F3C8C", [09:19:03] bop=1, [09:19:03] is1hWeaponOrOffHand=1, [09:19:03] item={ [09:19:03] GetItemLocation=<function value>, [09:19:03] SetItemLink=<function value>, [09:19:03] HasItemLocation=<function value>, [09:19:03] LockItem=<function value>, [09:19:03] itemLocation={ [09:19:03] Clear=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsEquipmentSlot=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsEqualToBagAndSlot=<function value>, [09:19:03] SetBagAndSlot=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsBagAndSlot=<function value>, [09:19:03] SetEquipmentSlot=<function value>, [09:19:03] HasAnyLocation=<function value>, [09:19:03] slotIndex=9, [09:19:03] GetEquipmentSlot=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsEqualToEquipmentSlot=<function value>, [09:19:03] bagID=0, [09:19:03] GetBagAndSlot=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsEqualTo=<function value> [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] GetItemID=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsItemDataCached=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetInventoryTypeName=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetCurrentItemLevel=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetItemQualityColor=<function value>, [09:19:03] UnlockItem=<function value>, [09:19:03] Clear=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetItemIcon=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsItemLocked=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetItemLink=<function value>, [09:19:03] SetItemLocation=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetItemName=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsItemInPlayersControl=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetItemQuality=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetItemGUID=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetInventoryType=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsItemEmpty=<function value>, [09:19:03] GetStaticBackingItem=<function value>, [09:19:03] SetItemID=<function value>, [09:19:03] IsDataEvictable=<function value>, [09:19:03] ContinueWithCancelOnItemLoad=<function value>, [09:19:03] ContinueOnItemLoad=<function value> [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] usable=1, [09:19:03] shouldShowScoreInTooltip=1, [09:19:03] equipped=false, [09:19:03] Spirit=7, [09:19:03] rarity=3, [09:19:03] validGearSlots={ [09:19:03] [1]=16 [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] invType=21, [09:19:03] link="|[Hand of Righteousness]|", [09:19:03] rarityColor=AutoGearActionQueue[2].info.rarityColor, [09:19:03] numValidGearSlots=1, [09:19:03] classID=2, [09:19:03] Damage=73.5, [09:19:03] isWeaponOrOffHand=1, [09:19:03] name="Hand of Righteousness", [09:19:03] DPS=27.2, [09:19:03] subclassID=4, [09:19:03] id=7721 [09:19:03] }, [09:19:03] container=0 [09:19:03] } [09:19:03] }

I can add that reloading doesn't fix it in my case now.

Alright I can add something more. I have been running a lot of dungeons today. Autogear did not roll on gear. After I left dungeon and was standing in Stormwind suddenly my chat was spammed with rolls from autogear. Of course I had already left the dungeon.

I've made a change that may resolve this issue in the latest untagged commits. Does that fix it for you?