
GetEpicClient(issue).AddIssuesAsync(issuesToAdd) NullException

jdonohoo opened this issue · 3 comments

This has been the first actual issue I've ran into with Zenhub.Net

.GetDetailsAsync() and .ConvertToIssueAsync() appear to be the only methods off the EpicClient that works

var issuesToAdd = new List<Issue>();
	var client = new ZenHubClient(AppConfig.ZenHub.AccessToken);


What is strange is if you pass in an empty List<Octokit.Issue> it returns a 200 Okay, but ass soon as you add an OctoKit.Issue to the list you get the null exception

Further review the octokit api might be the issue:

var issue = github.Issue.Get(repoId, issueId).Result;

Repository object is coming back as null, so it explodes when the tuple select is taking place in AddIssuesAsync();

I'm leaving this here in case some one else runs into this issue.
The IEnumerable<Issue> will always fail as Octokit doesn't set Repository on Issue.Get()

However, I was able to get this to work:

public void AttachIssuesToEpic(string epicRepo, int epicNumber, string issueRepo, int[] issueNumbers)
	var epics = GetGitHubRepoByName(epicRepo);
	var issues = GetGitHubRepoByName(issueRepo);

	var issuesToAdd = new List<Tuple<long, int>>();
	foreach(var i in issueNumbers)
		issuesToAdd.Add(new Tuple<long, int>(issues.Id, i));


	var epic = GetGitHubIssue(epics.Id,epicNumber);
	var client = new ZenHubClient(AppConfig.ZenHub.AccessToken);

	var result = client.GetEpicClient(epics.Id, epic.Number).AddIssuesAsync(issuesToAdd.Select(x => (x.Item1,x.Item2))).Result;