
A multiplayer card game "UNO" for Sifteo Cubes

Primary LanguageC++


A multiplayer card game UNO for Sifteo Cubes.

Chinese README can be found HERE

Now developing.

How to build

  1. Download Sifteo-SDK binary from https://github.com/sifteo/thundercracker#getting-started
    clone the thundercracker repository and build the SDK by your own.
  2. VERY IMPORTANT: If you choose to download the binary, please make sure include/sifteo/video/bg1.h LINE 459 is
    unsigned word = _SYS_vbuf_peek(&sys.vbuf, offsetof(_SYSVideoRAM, bg1_x) / 2);
    If it is bg0_x, edit it to bg1_x, otherwise it can cause errors.
  3. Execute sifteo-sdk-shell.cmd (or sifteo-sdk-shell.sh on linux), cd to the project directory (uno/), and type
    make if you want to build the debug version, or
    make RELEASE=1 if you want to build the release version.

How to play

Use a siftulator to play it in emulator, or connect the Base and type swiss install uno.elf to install it to your Sifteo Base.

The rule for UNO can be found on Wikipedia, while in the game:

  • Tilt to select a card
  • Touch to play the selected card (if the play is legal)
  • Shake to draw a card / cancel playing


  • Cubes add / remove in game
  • StoredObject suppport
  • Better animation ("UNO!", skip, reverse)
  • Music / voice

UNO-sifteo (Chinese)

多人桌游UNOSifteo Cube移植版



  1. 下载二进制的 Sifteo-SDK: https://github.com/sifteo/thundercracker#getting-started
    克隆 thundercracker,然后自己编译SDK。
  2. 非常重要: 如果你选择下载二进制的SDK,请确认 include/sifteo/video/bg1.h 的第459行如下所示:
    unsigned word = _SYS_vbuf_peek(&sys.vbuf, offsetof(_SYSVideoRAM, bg1_x) / 2);
    如果是 bg0_x,请将其改为 bg1_x,否则会出现错误。
  3. 运行 sifteo-sdk-shell.cmd (如果是linux,运行 sifteo-sdk-shell.sh),cd 到源代码的目录(uno\),输入
    make 来生成debug(调试)版本,或者输入
    make RELEASE=1 来生成release(发行)版本。


使用 siftulator 在模拟器中调试,或者连接 Base (基地)并输入 swiss install uno.elf,将其安装到 Sifteo Base 中。


  • 倾斜选择卡片
  • 触摸屏幕打出选中的卡片
  • 晃动来抽一张卡,或不打出(视情况而定)


  • 游戏中的 Cube (方块)增加/减少
  • StoredObject 支持(用于游戏保存)
  • 更好的动画效果("UNO!",跳过,反转)
  • 音乐/语音