
Skip some (number) columns

demoj1 opened this issue · 6 comments

Parser skips some columns in the file. Presumably these are columns with only numbers.
Example content file:

Компания ID ФИО Е-мейл ИНН Телефон
Наименование компании 1 123 Отдел продаж * 123456789 123456789
Наименование компании 2   Отдел продаж *    
Наименование компании 3   Отдел продаж *    
Наименование компании 4   Отдел продаж    

Output after parsing:

iex(4)> {:ok, pid, parser} = Exoffice.parse("./test/test_data/template.xls", 0)
{:ok, #Reference<0.1040318736.556138510.157986>, Exoffice.Parser.Excel2003}
iex(5)> Exoffice.get_rows(pid, parser) |> Enum.to_list()                       
  ["Компания", "ID", "ФИО", "Е-мейл", "ИНН",
  ["Наименование компании 1", nil,
   "Отдел продаж", "*"],
  ["Наименование компании 2", nil,
   "Отдел продаж", "*"],
  ["Наименование компании 3", nil,
   "Отдел продаж", "*"]

Columns ID, ИНН, Телефон skipped

File for reproduce it:

@dmitrydprog thank you for your ticket, unfortunately i can't download the example file since that domain is not available from my country, please upload it to different storage (e.g. dropbox)

Facing the same issue
@AlexKovalevych do you have any updates on this matter?

Well, i could reproduce it recently, but it doesn't look like a quick fix (unless you're very familiar with parsing algorithm). So i need to check the whole parsing process to understand the problem here, can't promise it will be resolved soon, but i'll try to figure it out.

thanks for prompt reply! Is there any workarounds?

Are there any updates on this?