

S3Syncer is a tool to synchronize files between an Amazon S3 bucket and a local directory. It checks the MD5 checksums of the files in the local directory against the checksums stored in a JSON file in the S3 bucket and downloads any missing or modified files. It also watches the local directory for any changes and downloads the corresponding files from the S3 bucket if necessary.


  • Python 3
  • Boto3
  • Watchdog


  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Edit the s3_syncer.conf file and update the paths accordingly.
  4. Run the setup.sh script to create a virtual environment, install the required packages and copy the s3_syncer.conf file to the supervisor config directory.
  5. Update the .env.example file with your S3 bucket name and AWS credentials and rename it to .env.
  6. The objects.json file are created by the lambda function s3FileProcessor.py in the lambda directory. It needs to be deployed to AWS Lambda and triggered by an S3 event.


Start the service installed by the setup.sh script with the following command:

sudo supervisorctl start s3_syncer


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Created by Alexander Fuchs