
Incompatibility with solaire-mode

jumper047 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using treemacs with solaire-mode. This mode makes non-file buffers background darker, so Treemacs background supposed to became darker after activating the mode. Since last update something broken - treemacs face didn't go dark but behaved like regular buffer. I suspect this commit - 26c16e9 . Internally, solaire-mode uses function face-remap-add-relative to remap some default faces. Seems like it clashes with the way you use faces in that commit. This behaviour can be reproduced with plain M-x package-install solaire-mode & M-x solaire-global-mode. Just compare Treemacs background with, say, background in dired buffer. They should have same color. I'm not sure how it should be fixed, so I decided just fill the issue and hope someone will find the solution:)

Just in case - to fix this issue in config, these lines should be added:

    (push '(treemacs-window-background-face . solaire-default-face) solaire-mode-remap-alist)
    (push '(treemacs-hl-line-face . solaire-hl-line-face) solaire-mode-remap-alist)

UPD: hooray, 1024-get:)

I don't know about solaire mode, but from treemacs' PoV everything is working as expected. You now simply have 2 faces to do with as you see fit. You can change them yourself to make them look like solaire does, or you can add some spicy red on green contrast. I just need to use face remapping, which is the most straightforward and portable way to make it happen. Changing that setup because some other package might want to globally capture the face remapping process seems out of order to me, especially since you already have a simple solution.

So let's close this issue for treemacs and continue the conversation in solaire's repo.