
TV remote arrows + volume behaviors

manuchis opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, I'm trying to get the plugin working for my settings.
I'm using the "TV" device to control a soundbar.
When I send the volume signal, it goes full up or full down, there is no way to make it one step at time.
I've tried the same with the remote control to manage the subwoofer level, and all the time happens the same. It goes until the minimum or the maximum value.

I then tried to use pause/interval settings but it was worthless.

Any guess?

That's really odd. Does the volume step when using the device volume? Have you confirmed that the HEX code you're sending is the correct one - not some other code to set MAX volume?

Could you post the logs from when you're adjusting the volume? This should show which codes are being sent and how often.

Well, yes! it was definetivelly that.
I don't know why, if I push the remote for a long period it sends a different signal than a simple step. So I've re learned all over again, and it works perfect now.