
Game Development, JavaScript, Kaboom.JS,

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Mario There and back Again

Table of Contents


[Project-Website-Link] Mario Website Link


  • Sprits allow two-dimensional computer graphics
  • Build-in kaboom feature allows camera to follow the character perfectly
  • Build-in kaboom feature allows for object collisions within game
  • Scoring system allows player to keep track of coins/ points mario collects in game
  • Character is able to become larger and smaller in game
  • Multiple levels with multiple scenes with use of built in kaboom


This computer game is a nostalgic throwback of the 1980's classic Mario. The static website integrates server-side rendering to serve pre-built HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Mario takes advantage of Kabbomjs built-in library functions which simplify game development for 2D or even 3D game assets. Camera positioning, collisions, movement, and in-game power-ups are all made available in this game and integrate smoothly.

Use Case

This project is more specialized as a homebrew game targeted for nostalgic millennials or younger children who enjoy the simplicity of retro 1980's to early 1990's themed games. Integrating Kaboom library into built-in browser games allows for flexibility and customization. As such, this game could be customized and used to entertain at functions, or parties.

Technologies Used






Getting Started

In the project you can run:

"Spacebar" : "Jump",

Mario can jump to avoid mushrooms or he can jump on top of them to defeat them. Beware if they collide with Mario he will lose.

"Left": "Moves Mario Left",

Moves Mario left as he attempts to collect in-game items.

"Right": "Moves Mario Right",

Moves Mario right as he implements a tactical retreat as a mushroom can surprise you.


MIT License

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