
Gatsby Develop very Slow with Shopify Starter

arhoy opened this issue · 4 comments

arhoy commented

The Shopify Starter is extremely slow. It takes about 10 minutes to generate the image thumbnails? I s this typical for a site with about 1000 products?

arhoy commented

I am having issues with running Gatsby Develop in my local environment. This had made me wonder if it was a huge mistake to build the site in Gatsby in the first place. It is slow and I am running into lots of errors that does not happen when I connect to a smaller store

Is Gatsby with Shopify only good for "tiny toy" sites?

Thank you for confirming

arhoy commented

There is also an issue fetching all the products from the Shopify CMS when I increased the number of products. Do you know why this could be?

Most sites on Shopify have 1000s of products from what I was told

I don't have experience with Gatsby and big Shopify stores with thousands of products myself. But it could well be the case that Gatsby is not the right solution there. Maybe you can research this a bit by contacting the developers of Gatsby and the Gatsby-Shopify-addon if their addon has been successfully been tested with 1000s of products. I'd be curious to know this too.