
Build error on node v.12.0.0

dasdachs opened this issue · 3 comments

When installing the dependencies using node v12.0.0 I get several build errors. I set nvm to use the latest lts version, v10.16.0 and I had no issues.

I'll inspect the issue later today, but it seems it's a problem with the version of V8.

I suggest adding a .nvmrc file and updating the docs.

Hi @dasdachs ,
Thanks for letting me know, I didn't even notice it since I'm using Node 10. Can you create a PR for the .nvmrc file because I'm not using NVM.
Appreciate your help!

I could not deploy either to netlify. I tried to deploy on Heroku and the error message it gave me helped. I guess netlify needs to know what version of Node.js to download and "node": "=> 10.13 < 10.11" was not being accepted. I changed the node version from package.json file to the latest node and it finally worked. Can someone explain to me why exactly this worked.
"engines": {
"node": "12.14.0"

I would guess it uses the package.json config, although their docs don't mention it.

A alternative solution would be to fix the version in .nvmrc to 10.x.