GitHub Page - Alexander Tang

This projects contains everything needed to build my GitHub page. My webpage will contain posts about anything that I would like to share with the outside world, such as technical guides, projects, gaming news and more.

You are free to re-use the project template.


This project is built on:

  • Angular 8
  • nodeJS v10.16.3

You will also need:


Install the packages.

npm install

Start a DEV server on localhost:4200

ng serve


GitHub User pages can only deploy from the master branch, which will contain the dist folder at root level. It is recommended to use a different branch for your source files and deploy to your master branch. The following steps show you how to do this.

From the ready-for-deploy branch (in my case dev), build the production dist folder.

npm run build

Do not forget to modify the --base-href flag to your own GitHub page URL, using the following convention: https://[yourUsername]

Use the angular-cli-ghpages tool to deploy.

npm run deploy

It will deploy to a new/existing ghpages branch by default. The additional flag in the package.json will correctly tell it to deploy to master instead.

If the tool gets stuck, then you probably need to save your git credentials in your local or global git config. It will get stuck on authentication but it will not prompt you nor will it break off the operation by itself in my experience.


My css styling is based on the template provided by