
Things.sqlite3 move in Things 3.12.6

brokosz opened this issue · 5 comments

Cultured Code moved the Things db in 3.12.6 to ~/Library/Group Containers. Subsequently, fails locating the file:

$ today
Error: file is not a database
ERROR: line 1 - command 'eval "${!method}"' exited with status: 26.
ERROR: In ::queryToday::invokePlugin::parse::main::main called at line 48.
DEBUG: From function ::queryToday::invokePlugin::parse::main::main (line 48).

readonly DEFAULT_DB=~/Library/Containers/com.culturedcode.ThingsMac/Data/Library/Application\ Support/Cultured\ Code/Things/Things.sqlite3
readonly DEFAULT_DB="/Library/Group Containers/"
restored access for me, though I don't know if the JLMPQHK86H part is unique per user...

Thank you. Seems the JLMPQHK86H is not unique per user.

@brokosz As I currently have only the beta installed: are you sure it's readonly DEFAULT_DB="/Library/Group Containers/" and not readonly DEFAULT_DB="~/Library/Group Containers/"?

Sorry @AlexanderWillner - I had to go check... for me it actually only works with the full path, not the ~ path. so mine is actually /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Group Containers/ I'm sure there's an env var I'm missing to get it work off the local path

Ok, thanks. Will push an update soon.

Fixed in release 2.9