
negative values in output coordinates left_x, top_y, width, height

sneha5gsm opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey everyone,
I trained the YOLO network by following all the steps from the link
What is the meaning of negative values in the output coordinates that we get when we run the command:
darknet.exe detector test cfg/ yolov4.cfg yolov4.weights -ext_output dog.jpg
The predictions on my test images were good and the bounding boxes drawn on the prediction.jpg were correct. But some of the values I got were:
left_x: 74 top_y: -5 width: 92 height: 167
left_x: -1 top_y: 47 width: 35 height: 119
left_x: 248 top_y: -8 width: 77 height: 159
left_x: 336 top_y: -1 width: 60 height: 144
Is my understanding on the coordinates correct?
left_x = top left x coordinate of bounding box
top_y = top left y coordinate of bounding box
width = with of bounding box
height = height of bounding box

Thank you!

I got the following link only. Have you found your answer?