
German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark - Annotations

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Hey there, I am using YOLOv4 for German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark dataset. It has 900 images (divided in 600 training images and 300 evaluation images (PPM Images)). The size of images are 1360 width and 800 height. The annotation file have the format:

  • Filename: Filename of the image the annotations apply for
  • Traffic sign's region of interest (ROI) in the image:
    • leftmost image column of the ROI
    • upmost image row of the ROI
    • rightmost image column of the ROI
    • downmost image row of the ROI
  • ID providing the traffic sign's class
    For example: 00058.ppm;786;394;824;435;12
    Here filename = 00058.ppm, leftmost = 786, upmost = 394, rightmost = 824, downmost = 435, classid = 12.
    My issue is how to convert these into YOLOv4 annotation format?

Quoting @AlexeyAB in one of the issues ".txt-file for each .jpg-image-file - in the same directory and with the same name, but with .txt-extension, and put to file: object number and object coordinates on this image, for each object in new line: object-class x y width height"

Also I want to know that in my yolov4_custom_train.cfg, the width and height = 416. Will these affect the annotation file creation because I know x and y are calculated using image_width and image_height somehow.

Any help in how to create annotation file for each image using the above given values in example?