Test application for working with map. User can add place and type of place.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


TestMEAN is test application for working with map.




First of all, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/AlexeyKorkoza/TestMEAN.git

After that install packages using npm:

npm install

Using yarn:

yarn install

Create .env file where you must write credentials to Database. See .env.example as example

Create database with name interactive_map


Start client part:

npm run webpack:watch

Start server part:

npm dev:watch


Url Method Description
/login GET Render login page
/login POST Log in application
/logout GET Log out from application
/signup GET Render signup page
/signup POST Sign up in application
/app GET Render main page
/api/v1/profile/:id/ PUT Update user profile
/api/v1/types/ GET Get all types of places
/api/v1/types/:id/ GET Get one type by id
/api/v1/types/ POST Create new type
/api/v1/types/:id/ PUT Update type
/api/v1/types/:id/ DELETE Remove type
/api/v1/places/ GET Get all places
/api/v1/places/:id/ GET Get one place by id
/api/v1/places/ POST Create new place
/api/v1/places/:id/ PUT Update place
/api/v1/places/:id/ DELETE Remove place


npm run test