Backup Error
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Hugenious commented
When trying to backup a file to local storage, the following error pops up:
Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Aspx\Interface\Base\Proxy.ashx\Request-b2fda5d7-b8d1-4d2d-aeaa-d5cbe7808a4d'
I have set the backup path to C:\TCAdmin_Backups on settings.
Ireheart commented
DrunkMunki commented
im getting the same, my TCAdmin2 installation is on G:
Could not find a part of the path 'G:\Aspx\Interface\Base\Proxy.ashx\Request-04caac76-d90f-4d88-9e0b-cfd581adc718'.
File location is: G:\TCAdmin2\ControlPanel\Interface\Base\Proxy.ashx
Even copying the files to G:\Aspx didnt help