
Howto SSH to HassOS

AlexxIT opened this issue · 1 comments

ATTENTION! By using these instructions you agree not to ask for support from Hass community for your current Hass installation.

Local way

USB drive

Remote way

  1. Install SSH addon
  2. Add your key to addon config
    username: root
    - ssh-rsa AASDJKJKJFWJFAFLCNALCMLAK234234.....
  3. Disable addon Protection mode option
  4. Open addon Web UI
    ~ cp /etc/ssh/authorized_keys /share
    ~ docker run -it --rm -v /root:/mnt/root -v /mnt/data/supervisor/share:/mnt/share bash cp /mnt/share/authorized_keys /mnt/root/.ssh
    ~ rm /share/authorized_keys
    ~ ha host reboot

Thats all. Now you have:

  • SSH on port 22 - addon
  • SSH on port 22222 - hassio host

Не могу попасть в Web UI. Не пускает пишет какую-то ерунду.