
Gestures T5-1C-86 FW 1.4.0 do not work

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Hi, my device has updated and now i cant use the gestures. I tried to rollback the version of SonoffLAN and the problem persists. So i guess the problem is with the new firmware.

Only the custom component shows if action "touch" is pressed. But slide left or slide right not.

I have check the debug log and only i can see when i power on the light (Action "touch").:

2024-09-09 09:10:04 [D] 1001ec6df0 <= Local3 | | {'switches': [{'switch': 'on', 'outlet': 0}], 'electromotor': 1, 'percentageControl': 0, 'calibState': False, 'triggerType': 2, 'lightSwitch': 'off', 'lightMode': 6, 'shock': 1, 'doNotDisturb': 0, 'doNotDisturbTime': {'from': '22:00', 'to': '07:00'}, 'sledOnline': 'on', 'fwVersion': '1.4.0', 'rssi': -39} | 2348

And in the diagnostic file i only can see that:

"1001ec6df0": { "uiid": 209, "params": { "bindInfos": "***", "version": 8, "timeZone": 2, "ssid": "***", "bssid": "***", "fwVersion": "1.2.0", "switches": [ { "switch": "off", "outlet": 0 } ], "lightSwitch": "off", "lightMode": 6, "shock": 1, "doNotDisturb": 0, "doNotDisturbTime": { "from": "22:00", "to": "07:00" }, "onEffects": { "lightEffect": 1, "soundEffect": 0, "statusLight": "on", "statusLightTop": 1, "statusLightBelow": 1, "r": 0, "g": 255, "b": 0, "br": 60, "volume": 50 }, "offEffects": { "lightEffect": 2, "soundEffect": 2, "statusLight": "off", "statusLightTop": 1, "statusLightBelow": 1, "r": 0, "g": 0, "b": 255, "br": 5, "volume": 50 }, "configure": [ { "startup": "stay", "enableDelay": 0, "width": 9000, "outlet": 0 } ], "pulses": [ { "pulse": "off", "switch": "off", "outlet": 0, "width": 500 } ], "sledOnline": "on", "rssi": -72, "staMac": "***", "slide": 2, "reset_reason": "ESP_RST_POWERON", "only_device": { "ota": "success", "ota_fail_reason": 0 }, "addSubDevState": "off", "addTimeOut": 10, "preEffects": { "lightEffect": 1, "soundEffect": 0, "statusLight": "on", "statusLightTop": 1, "statusLightBelow": 1, "r": 0, "g": 255, "b": 0, "br": 60, "volume": 50 } }, "model": "T5-1C-86", "online": false, "local": true, "localtype": "plug", "host": "" },

And another thing i saw, cloud doesnt work:

_2024-09-09 09:23:27 [W] Can't login in cloud mode: ClientConnectorCertificateError(ConnectionKey(host='', port=443, is_ssl=True, ssl=True, proxy=None, proxy_auth=None, proxy_headers_hash=-1653947178309603543), SSLCertVerificationError(1, "[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: Hostname mismatch, certificate is not valid for ''. (ssl.c:1000)"))

Thanks you.

Some problems with cloud server Not related to integration.