Cannot find فعل for multiple verbs
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Kentoseth commented
السلام عليكم.
I tried the following in the search query:
- {ساء، فعل}
- {سوا، فعل}
- [سوء، فعل}
There doesn't seem to be a way to look up the root of this word.
ساء، يسوء
sneetsher commented
Kentoseth commented
I found a few more issues, so I am re-opening this ticket. Here are the verbs I cannot find via the API (the listed entries are all what I tried by sending queries to the API. The first line shows an example of the different entries I tried that failed):
- ابي ، أبي، يبي، أبى، ابى - the verb form here is: أَبَى / يَأْبَى
- رضي، رضى
- ردد -
- the verb above is found, but I only get 3 results returned, whereas there should be at least 40 or more (the ism also returns just 4 results. The total = 7 results but it should be more)
- بدء، بدأ، بدا
- درا، درأ
- سئم، سأم، سإم