
Image pull failed for alfresco-search-service

taichun opened this issue · 5 comments

The latest 6.0.0 chart has transitioned to use a separately hosted chart to install the alfresco-search-service but that chart is using the image pulled from "" ( which doesn't seem to exist. Overwriting the repository value to "alfresco/alfresco-search-services" (hosted on Docker Hub) made the deployment work. Can either the correct images be pushed to the repository or the default chart value be changed to use the correct repo? Thanks!

gionn commented

are you trying to install the enterprise or the community version with the latest helm charts? The best would be if you provide the full helm install command.

General rule is that for the enterprise version it's correct that it is use for which you should have credentials for if you are a paid customer/partner, while for the community version it should rely on the docker hub hosted images.

We are installing the enterprise version and indeed we have an enterprise license as well as the credential to pull all the other related images from the repository. Only the alfresco-search-services image failed to pull. For the reference below is the helm command we use to install ACS:

helm repo add alfresco
helm repo update
helm upgrade acs --install \
    --namespace $NAMESPACE --create-namespace \
    alfresco/alfresco-content-services \
    --set externalProtocol="http" --set externalHost="$EXTERNAL_FQDN" --set externalPort="80" \
    -f acs_custom.yaml
gionn commented

that's quite interesting because that tag indeed exists and I can pull it locally:

docker pull
2.0.6: Pulling from alfresco/search-services
Digest: sha256:b2edbe716d438b2c8d3263add5653b68369d69a37830a59b2bbd13dd45da4b10
Status: Image is up to date for

maybe you can take a look at the exact pull failure you are getting with describe pod?

another issue I see only now is that it looks like we missed bumping the version in that chart (latest GA version should be 2.0.7 and not 2.0.6)

I guess our credential doesn't allow me to pull from this particular image? I can pull all the other ACS Enterprise related images like digital workspace, shared-file-store, etc. Only failed this particular one:

$ docker pull
Error response from daemon: unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized

I contacted Alfresco support and they just resolved the permission issue on our credential. We can successfully pull the search-services image now. Thanks for the help and please consider this issue closed.