
Unable to create new user with new installation 7.3 Community with this github deployment

lucturbide opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug description

I make new install of Alfresco 7.3 with the last github alfresco-ansible-deployment on multiple platforms like CentOS 7, CenOS 8 and Ubuntu 22.04. On all installations, I always encounter the same problem: Failure, We couldn't create user.
There are also other functions that do not work. I don't seem to have permission to use Alfresco 7.3 Community. I don't see any errors during installation and no errors in the logs. Any clues?

Target OS

Ubuntu 22.04

Ansible error

No error

Installation on VMware Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop.
git clone
cd alfresco-ansible-deployment/
pip install --user pipenv
sudo apt install pipenv -y
cd playbooks/
pipenv install --deploy
cd ..
pipenv run ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
pipenv run ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass playbooks/acs.yml
openssl rand -base64 21 > ~/.vault_pass.txt

export ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~/.vault_pass.txt
pipenv run ansible-playbook -e vault_init=encrypted_variables playbooks/secrets-init.yml
pipenv run ansible-playbook playbooks/acs.yml -i inventory_local.yml -e "@community-extra-vars.yml"

(I access with my web brower to /share, login with admin,admin, go to Admin Tools and try to create New User
Failure, We couldn't create user. When I submit form)

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=207 changed=112 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=206 rescued=0 ignored=0

gionn commented

Hello, may be a duplicate of #505 (comment) (CORS configuration issue that as a side effect break the user creation feature)

That should not happen if you access the application on localhost, though.

Yes, localhost work! Ok I fix the problem by seting CORS.ENABLE = FALSE


gionn commented

Thanks for confirming!