
Is it possibile to change the bundle id?

buttifabio opened this issue · 0 comments

If I change the bundle-id I get Embedded binary's bundle identifier is not prefixed with the parent app's bundle identifier error because is not compatible with the new bundle id.

I fixed by substituting every occurence of with the new bundle id and it builds.
The problem is that I'm not sure that all will work because doing like that i substituted:

  • ExportOptions.plist
  • AlfrescoApp Tests/Config/AlfrescoConfigServiceTest.m (kAlfrescoTestApplicationId)
  • AlfrescoApp Tests/Config/valid-config-test.bundle/Info.plist
  • AlfrescoApp.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
  • AlfrescoApp/Constants/Constants.m (kQuickofficeApplicationDocumentUTI, kMobileIronManagedConfigurationKey)
  • AlfrescoApp/Constants/SharedConstants.m (kSharedAppGroupIdentifier, kAlfrescoMobileGroup)
  • AlfrescoApp/Supporting Files/AlfrescoApp-Info.plist
  • AlfrescoApp/Supporting Files/AlfrescoApp.entitlements
  • AlfrescoDocumentPicker/AlfrescoDocumentPicker.entitlements
  • AlfrescoDocumentPickerFileProvider/AlfrescoDocumentPickerFileProvider.entitlements
  • AlfrescoDocumentPickerFileProvider/Info.plist

For example: will Google QuickOffice still work?