
Mandatory Guidelines

vatsalkesarwani12 opened this issue · 0 comments

To raise the Pull Request

  1. Make 1 Pull Request for 1 issue. Otherwise, you may lose points.

  2. Mention Issue number while creating Pull Request in the description box or link the issue from the right options. This helps to link the PR with the respective issue.

  3. Always update the readme for the respective code added in the appropriate folder.


    1. Include a description of code in Multiline Comments
    2. Write code in the allotted language. 
      `( Include single line comments about the code line wherever required)`
    3. Include 2 Test case: 
      "Test Case
        Input -
        Output -
        Input -
        Output -
    4. Include Time and Space Complexity
  5. Always take Dynamic Input from the user.

  6. Avoid Plagiarism Never copy from other websites.
    This might affect your results on the leaderboard of gssoc'21.

  7. Merge your commits when changes requested.

To raise a valid Issue

  1. Do not create duplicate issues.
  2. Always look for issues previously created before creating an issue of a particular topic. (Use Filters)
  3. All issues are assigned on First Come, First Serve Basis.