
This repository is to organize my codes relating to a course called 'Turbo Front'

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository is to organize my codes relating to a course called 'Turbo Front'

  • First Project : simple alert that asks about cookie permissions.
  • Second Project : Input box which opens and closes based on checkbox condition, two cards
  • Third Project : A simple, kind of responsive footer
  • Forth Project : A simple, kind of responsive header
  • Fifth Project : A simple, responsive table
  • Sixth Project : A single page theme written in html & scss
  • Seventh Project : Two questions which are really similar to ICPC questions, solved by JavaScript
  • Eighth Project : Printing all the path through fields which their value is either undefined or null by VLR strategy and recursively
  • Ninth Project : three JavaScript questions, finding a substring in another string but the considering the string repeated everlasting, recognizing some patterns and replacing some other phrases instead of them in a string, removing all null, undefined, NaN, false values of two arrays and printing the element with highest frequency and eventually make two arrays union.
  • Tenth Project : {first: filling value of divs based on their non-standard attribute from an object, second: a function that gets an element and prepend another element in it then it will be removed after some time which is specified by a parameter.
  • Eleventh : Reasearch about EcmaScript compatibility
  • Twelfth : { cellmap: a function that gets a table as an input and a string which consists of only abc characters and writes it in the table, blinker: is a function that gets an element and onTime and offTime and duration and blinks in the duration with times given
  • Thirteenth : { screensaver: a digital clock that moves in window randomly, autoscroller: a function factory that gets an element with pixel per second input and starts scrolling and stops whenever you call the functions after instanciating though, analog-clock }
  • Fourteenth : { carousel, LazyLoad Images, new-notify : adding something to DOM and removing it by clicking on document, notify_rightclick : exactly the previous one instead it's getting removed by rightclicking on the element using event delegation
  • Fifteenth : { new-carousel : carousel in previous folder but moving two items and also going to the last or first by middle mouse button click, new-analog-clock : the clock in previous directory - the difference is that position of second hand can be changed by clicking on the clock }
  • Sixteenth : { new-cellmap : a table that is being created and painted as you click on abc characters on keyboard, tooltip : simple tooltip using event delegation and behavior pattern}
  • Seventeenth : { userlist : a simple fetch api use, promisify : a simple function that returns a promise which ensures loading image is promisified }
  • Eighteenth : { scroll movement : a simple page with some elements that moves a specific amount based on scroll }