
Swift 3 release process

Closed this issue · 8 comments

The current plan as I imagine it is following.

Before Swift 3 is released (probably the end of this week or next week) we can make a prerelease (4.6.1 or maybe better 4.7?) with some API naming improvements ( #105 ). That will let to migrate to new APIs (that are more inline with api guidelines) earlier without source breaking changes and have less headache when migrating to Swift 3.

When Swift 3 is released we will make a new major release 5.0. At this point swift3 branch will be merged to develop and all further development will happen in Swift 3. At the same time we will create new branch swift2.3 that will contain all the same features but will be built with Swift 2.3. Each new release will be provided with binaries built with Swift 3 and Swift 2.3. (not sure how Carthage will handle that, maybe it will load all binaries, maybe none of them). After some reasonable time swift2.3 branch will be deprecated and no longer supported.

Dip 5.0 will aslo contain some breaking changes (like #71 ) and previously deprecated APIs will be removed.

@AliSoftware does it sound good to you?


What's the timescale for this now that Xcode 8 / Swift 3 GM available to developers ?

Was planing to wrap up release this weekend

Perfect !

Heads up you may have problems pushing to cocoapods. See CocoaPods/CocoaPods#5650 - I've not found a work around yet :-(

Yes, looks like there are some problems. Will keep this issue opened until they fix it. 5.0.0 is published anyway.

5.0.0 is pushed to trunk! 🎉