
is there a way to override sceneStoryboard for StoryboardSceneBased

mansoor92 opened this issue · 2 comments

i want to subclass a view controller but cannot override sceneStoryboard property.
Both parent and child viewControllers are from different storyboards

You can in a class that immediately declares conformance to the protocol re-define the static var.


class MyStoryboardBasedViewController: UIViewController, StoryboardBased {
    static var sceneStoryboard: UIStoryboard {
        return UIStoryboard(name: "MyCustomStoryboard", bundle: Bundle(for: self))

However, keep in mind that in subclasses of MyStoryboardBasedViewController you will not be able to override that static var ... because it's a static var ... 😄
If you want to do that you will probably want to relay the static var to a class var that you can override in subclasses.

You should indeed be able to use class var instead of static var

class BaseViewController: UIViewController, StoryboardBased {
    class var sceneStoryboard: UIStoryboard {
        UIStoryboard(name: "BaseVC", Bundle(for: self))
class ChildViewController: BaseViewController {
    override class var sceneStoryboard: UIStoryboard {
        UIStoryboard(name: "ChildVC", Bundle(for: self))

let vc = ChildViewController.instantiate() // Uses ChildVC as storyboard