'FastSequenceTagger' object has no attribute 'selection'
Aatlantise opened this issue · 11 comments
Thank you for your previous help.
I took your advice and am working with the config files in an attempt to reproduce your results.
When I run CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train.py --config config/conll_03_english.yaml --test
, I run into Pdb instances (but that's not a problem), and eventually get an AttributeError:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train.py", line 163, in <module>
File "/workspace/ACE/flair/trainers/reinforcement_trainer.py", line 1358, in final_test
for name, module in self.model.named_modules():
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 585, in __getattr__
type(self).__name__, name))
AttributeError: 'FastSequenceTagger' object has no attribute 'selection'
And it looks like self.selection
initialization has been commented out in https://github.com/Alibaba-NLP/ACE/blob/main/flair/models/sequence_tagger_model.py
I get the same error when I attempt to confirm performance on chunking.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
I was able to run the NER training code and replicate the reported results. My previous error was due to system's mistaking of .train.index files as .train files. I removed the .train.index files and the code works.
However, I am still having difficulty training a chunking model.
It turns out that the Pdb instance being activated is part of the problem. I'll look more into this.
For reference, my config is:
model_structure: null
controller_learning_rate: 0.1
controller_optimizer: SGD
distill_mode: false
optimizer: SGD
sentence_level_batch: true
model: bert-base-cased
layers: -1,-2,-3,-4
pooling_operation: mean
embedding_name: /root/.cache/torch/transformers/bert-base-cased
model: bert-base-multilingual-cased
layers: -1,-2,-3,-4
pooling_operation: mean
model: original
# options_file: elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json
# weight_file: elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5
char_embedding_dim: 25
hidden_size_char: 25
embeddings: glove
freeze: true
embeddings: en
freeze: true
model: en-forward
model: en-backward
model: multi-forward
model: multi-backward
layers: '-1'
pooling_operation: first
model: xlm-roberta-large-finetuned-conll03-english
embedding_name: /root/.flair/embeddings/xlm-roberta-large-finetuned-conll03-english
interpolation: 0.5
crf_attention: false
dropout: 0.0
hidden_size: 800
sentence_loss: true
use_crf: true
model_name: baseline-chunk
Corpus: CONLL_03
tag_dictionary: resources/taggers/np_tags.pkl
target_dir: resources/taggers/
targets: chunk
controller_momentum: 0.9
discount: 0.5
learning_rate: 0.1
max_episodes: 5
max_epochs: 100
max_epochs_without_improvement: 25
mini_batch_size: 32
monitor_test: false
patience: 5
save_final_model: true
train_with_dev: false
And the error seems to occur somewhere between config_parser.py
's get_corpus()
and data.py
's convert_tag_scheme()
Much thanks!
I'm very sorry for my late reply due to a certain deadline.
I rerun the command CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train.py --config config/conll_03_english.yaml --test
in the server and do not find any problem. In general, the self.model.selection
should be assigned when loading the controller.pt. It seems that you have solved this problem.
My config for chunking is something like this:
model_structure: null
controller_learning_rate: 0.5
controller_optimizer: SGD
distill_mode: false
optimizer: SGD
anneal_factor: 2
Corpus: CONLL_03
bert_model_or_path: bert-base-cased
layers: '-1'
pooling_operation: mean
bert_model_or_path: bert-base-multilingual-cased
layers: '-1'
pooling_operation: mean
options_file: /home/yongjiang.jy/.flair/embeddings/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json
weight_file: /home/yongjiang.jy/.flair/embeddings/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5
char_embedding_dim: 25
hidden_size_char: 25
embeddings: en
freeze: true
model: en-forward
model: en-backward
model: multi-forward
model: multi-backward
layers: '-1'
pooling_operation: mean
pretrained_model_name_or_path: xlm-roberta-large
interpolation: 0.5
is_teacher_list: true
crf_attention: false
dropout: 0.0
hidden_size: 256
relearn_embeddings: true
sentence_loss: true
use_crf: true
model_name: xlmr_en-elmo_en-bert_multi-bert_word_origflair_mflair_char_30episode_300epoch_2000batch_0.1lr_0.5ctrlr_256hidden_en_monolingual_crf_fast_sqrtreward_reinforce_freeze_relearn_0.5discount_10patience_nodev_chunk3
target_dir: resources/taggers/
targets: chunk
teacher_annealing: false
controller_momentum: 0.9
discount: 0.5
learning_rate: 0.1
max_episodes: 30
max_epochs: 300
max_epochs_without_improvement: 25
mini_batch_size: 2000
monitor_test: false
patience: 10
save_final_model: false
sqrt_reward: true
train_with_dev: false
true_reshuffle: false
trainer: ReinforcementTrainer
Thank you for providing the config file. I hope your due project went well.
Your config file seems to produce the same errors. I dug through a bit and found that the error occurs at converting IOB2 to IOBES because of an invalid IOB format:
root@3fbc1c9e0850:/workspace/ACE# CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train.py --config config/conll_03_chunk_xinyu.yaml
/workspace/ACE/flair/utils/params.py:104: YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as the default Loader is unsafe. Please read https://msg.pyyaml.org/load for full details.
dict_merge.dict_merge(params_dict, yaml.load(f))
2021-05-25 06:53:00,393 Reading data from /root/.flair/datasets/conll_03
2021-05-25 06:53:00,393 Train: /root/.flair/datasets/conll_03/eng.train
2021-05-25 06:53:00,393 Dev: /root/.flair/datasets/conll_03/eng.testa
2021-05-25 06:53:00,393 Test: /root/.flair/datasets/conll_03/eng.testb
> /workspace/ACE/flair/data.py(644)convert_tag_scheme()
-> for index, tag in enumerate(tags):
(Pdb) tag_type
(Pdb) target_scheme
(Pdb) token
Token: 1 -DOCSTART-
(Pdb) u
> /workspace/ACE/flair/datasets.py(919)__init__()
-> tag_type=self.tag_to_bioes, target_scheme="iobes"
(Pdb) u
> /workspace/ACE/flair/datasets.py(92)__init__()
-> in_memory=in_memory,
(Pdb) u
> /workspace/ACE/flair/datasets.py(1678)__init__()
-> data_folder, columns, tag_to_bioes=tag_to_bioes, in_memory=in_memory
(Pdb) data_folder
(Pdb) columns
{0: 'text', 1: 'pos', 2: 'chunk', 3: 'ner'}
Perhaps it's the dataset format that's different? But I don't think so because I was able to run train.py --config config/conll_03_english.yaml
I've also tried removing the header with the X tag, and implemented your solution to the previous absolute path issue, but to no avail.
My last question regards the CoNLL2000 dataset. In your paper, you report chunking results on the CoNLL2000 dataset, but it seems that ACE does not process CoNLL2000 dataset, and you used the 03 dataset in your config?
Any help would be appreciated!
The possible reason is that the conll_03
files do not follow the BIO format in chunking, you may check the file. From your log, it seems that the word -DOCSTART-
do not follow the tagging. You may replace the chunk tag of -DOCSTART-
with O
or simply remove the -DOCSTART-
is used in document-level NER). For CoNLL 2000
, I will update the guide for it later, but currently, you may write the corpus settings following this part in README.md
Thank you for your help. I was able to replicate your experiments, with CoNLL2000 performances of F1 97.0 for ACE
and F1 97.3 for ACE+finetuning
I think this will be my final question. During training I get Overall best score: 97.28999999999999
, which matches the reported performance in your paper. However, when I run train.py --test
, I get MICRO_AVG: acc 0.9371 - f1-score 0.9675
I think this means that the model evaluation is not being done on the best model, but rather the final model?
How can I get the detailed performance stats of my best model, and ultimately use the best model for inference/prediction?
Much thanks!!
Hi, The Overall best score
is just the F1 score of the development set. I'm not sure why running train.py --test
uses the final-model.pt
since the code should use best-model.pt
To reproduce the CoNLL 2000 performance, you may use the embedding setting like this (you need to train finetuned embeddings and modify the path to the embedding) :
model_structure: null
controller_learning_rate: 0.1
controller_optimizer: SGD
distill_mode: false
optimizer: SGD
sentence_level_batch: true
anneal_factor: 2
Corpus: CONLL_2000
options_file: /home/yongjiang.jy/.flair/embeddings/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json
weight_file: /home/yongjiang.jy/.flair/embeddings/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5
char_embedding_dim: 25
hidden_size_char: 25
embeddings: extvec
freeze: true
model: en-forward
model: en-backward
model: multi-forward
model: multi-backward
layers: '-1'
model: /home/yongjiang.jy/.flair/embeddings/xlnet-first_10epoch_1batch_4accumulate_0.000005lr_10000lrrate_conll00_monolingual_nocrf_fast_norelearn_sentbatch_sentloss_finetune_saving_nodev_chunk5/xlnet-large-cased
pooling_operation: first
layers: '-1'
model: /home/yongjiang.jy/.flair/embeddings/en-xlmr-first_10epoch_1batch_4accumulate_0.000005lr_10000lrrate_conll00_monolingual_nocrf_fast_norelearn_sentbatch_sentloss_finetune_saving_nodev_chunk3/roberta-large
pooling_operation: first
layers: '-1'
model: /home/yongjiang.jy/.flair/embeddings/xlmr_10epoch_8batch_0.000005lr_10000lrrate_conll00_monolingual_nocrf_fast_relearn_sentbatch_sentloss_finetune_saving_newver_nodev_chunk5/xlm-roberta-large
pooling_operation: first
layers: -1,-2,-3,-4
model: bert-base-cased
pooling_operation: first
layers: -1,-2,-3,-4
model: bert-base-multilingual-cased
pooling_operation: first
interpolation: 0.5
is_teacher_list: true
crf_attention: false
dropout: 0.0
hidden_size: 800
sentence_loss: true
use_crf: true
word_dropout: 0.0
model_name: xlnet-task_en-xlmr-task_xlmr-task_elmo_bert-four_multi-bert-four_word-extvec_origflair_mflair_char_30episode_150epoch_32batch_0.1lr_800hidden_conll00_monolingual_crf_fast_reinforce_freeze_sentbatch_0.5discount_5patience_nodev_chunk8
target_dir: resources/taggers/
targets: chunk
teacher_annealing: false
controller_momentum: 0.9
discount: 0.5
learning_rate: 0.1
max_episodes: 30
max_epochs: 150
max_epochs_without_improvement: 25
mini_batch_size: 32
monitor_test: false
patience: 5
save_final_model: false
train_with_dev: false
true_reshuffle: false
use_warmup: false
trainer: ReinforcementTrainer
Ah. I see. I misunderstood the meaning of the logs then. The additional info is very helpful too--I'll use the finetuned embeddings for XLNet, Roberta, and XLM-Roberta, and see what I get. I simply used finetuned BERT's embeddings for my model.
Much thanks again!
I was able to finetune XLNet and XLM-Roberta. However I am having trouble fine-tuning RoBERTa. I noticed that class RoBERTaEmbeddings
in embeddings.py
doesn't have a self.fine_tune
parameter. I can try without the RoBERTa embedding in the meantime, but is there another way to fine-tune RoBERTa?
Thank you!
I use class TransformerWordEmbeddings
to finetune all transformer-based embeddings. Note that I use a learning rate of 5e-6
for XLNet, XLMR and Roberta.
I'm able to train ACE using the fine-tuned embeddings. Not quite 97.3, but rounded up to 97.2, which is still great.
Thanks very much for your thorough help throughout :)
Best wishes!
Hi, I have the same problem.When I run CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python3 train.py --config config/conll_03_english.yaml --test, I get an AttributeError(I un into Pdb instances):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data_share/gxc_data/ACE/train.py", line 157, in
File "/data_share/gxc_data/ACE/flair/trainers/reinforcement_trainer.py", line 1444, in final_test
for name, module in self.model.named_modules():
File "/data_share/gxc_data/miniconda3/envs/ace/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 1207, in getattr
raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(
AttributeError: 'FastSequenceTagger' object has no attribute 'selection'
But I have no way to solve this problem.