
How to apply ACE model as a parser tool for DM parsing?

lizhou21 opened this issue · 3 comments

As the best parser on DM, i wanna apply it for DM parsing.
But now I can't use the code, even cannot reproduce the semantic dependency parsing on DM.
For the first step, i don't have the dataset "/enhancedud/DM", and also don't know where to get it.

So how can i use ACE as a parser tool for DM parsing?
Looking forward to your reply.

Hi, you can download the dataset at!Am53YNAPSsodg9ci-JiKDgaT_XCk5Q?e=ZoI0PH

Then you download the model from my shared link in README and create a file to be parsed with the format in this issue #47

You may follow the README for the parse command

oh, I failed, I think I think there must be something wrong with my understanding of the code.
Firstly I download the pre-trained model, then unzip it, and put the directory in the resources/taggers/.
Then I download the datasets that you just shared with me.

I try to run the code:
python --config config/dm_parsing_model.yaml --parse --target_dir ACE/DMNew_modified/train.en.dm_modified.conllu --keep_order
it still reminds me: No such file or directory: '/home/flt669/.flair/datasets/enhanced_ud/DM'

There must be something wrong with my understanding of the code.
If convenient, can I get a further consultation from you? I only want to apply it as a DM parser tool. I also try to connect you in email.

You can copy your file ACE/DMNew_modified into /home/flt669/.flair/datasets/enhanced_ud/DM. By the way, the target_dir should be the data folder but not the exact file. The code will read the file with train in its name.