
Strange things happen when playback ends without pressing stop

Closed this issue · 10 comments

(1) If playing back the entire file, without selection, playback stops before it gets to the end, and gwc freezes.
(2) either the cursor thing jumps back almost to the start of the selection,
(3) or a little bit of audio near the end of the selection is repeated at the end.

Not a new bug.

I see (1) also occurs sometimes when playing back a selection, but sometimes it just stops before the end, without freezing.
Also, sometimes the repeated audio in (3) is not from the current file, but one which has been played previously!

I believe (1) only affects mono files, not stereo, and the bug is somewhere in the feathering out code.

I'm not sure about this:

playback stops before it gets to the end

Maybe it is just that the cursor thing stops before it gets to the end. I notice it only moves in large jumps when it is approaching the end.

Maybe it is just that the cursor thing stops before it gets to the end.

This and (2) may be related to a bug with the hidden loop feature (press L on your keyboard): after each loop the playback cursor is offset to the left (looks like the right when I use it without a selection) by an amount which is larger for larger selections.

Note that none of this is a problem when using the oss driver, although when looping the plackback cursor is offset to the left by a small amount (but the offset doesn't increase each time it loops).

Note that none of this is a problem when using the pulseaudio driver, not even the cursor offset when looping. But it plays too fast for some reason! (I tested gtick with pulseaudio and it plays at the right speed).

Maybe it is just that the cursor thing stops before it gets to the end. I notice it only moves in large jumps when it is approaching the end.

If I play a 48kHz sample rate file with the alsa driver it stops at the point where the cursor starts moving in large jumps with a 44.1kHz file.

Some or all of these only affect me when the alsa output is set to "plughw:x,x" or "hw:x,x". Setting it to "default" works fine.

(1) is now fixed, at least for the file I was testing with.

Closing as:

  • I believe some of this was fixed already, and
  • Jeff has done a fair amount of rework of the playback code over the last few weeks.
    Will document new issues if they arise.