
pouch save failed: an error will be reported every time you download to 14G

mika-gu opened this issue · 3 comments


@MikaGuChina Could you elaborate on your reproduce steps?

I cann't reproduce it:

[root@hostname /home/shenling.yyb]
#pouch run -d --net host --entrypoint dd busybox bs=1M count=16000 if=/dev/zero of=/data

[root@hostname /home/shenling.yyb]
#pouch commit 7eadba8940aac27a291216ac busybox:16G

[root@hostname /home/shenling.yyb]
#pouch save -o /home/t4/busybox_16g.tar busybox:16G

[root@hostname /home/shenling.yyb]

@MikaGuChina Could you elaborate on your reproduce steps?

Thanks for your replay. That's my problem. My system limit the memory of pouch process for 4G. When I save the image, it will oom on the moment.