
Bot delayed, can't find tables

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm stumped, the bot had been working great since I set it up a few months ago, but yesterday it spontaneously started having a long (8 second) lag between snipe and response, and it misses all tables every time (see output below). I have tried using several Resy accounts, and targeting reservations that I confirm are available, but I get the same output every time. I have also confirmed my API keys are up to date and fixed the user agent issue when I first set up the bot. I am having no luck troubleshooting as everything seems to be working fine, it just can't see the tables for some reason. I even scrapped the whole project and set it up again, with no luck. No idea what changed since it was working a couple days ago, any ideas? Thanks!

Example here where I was targeting a table I confirmed was available with a snipe time of 9:54
Screenshot 2023-08-10 at 9 54 55 AM

Same here. Though today is my first time setting it up, so I've never had it actually work.

I also just set up the bot and am having this issue with it not finding tables that I can see are available. (No issue with response time however.) I made a reservation using a credit card on the website and still had the same bot issue so I don't think the payment is the problem. I added the user-agent fix.

Has anyone successfully used it in the last week or so?

Getting the same issue on my end where i updated the user agent and it cant find the reservation. Says missed the reservation when i know theres reservations available

Make sure you have the correct venue id. Lunch, dinner slots etc use different venue ids and will load only times for each.