
5XX Internal Server Error starting mid february

Opened this issue · 4 comments


I've noticed I've been getting 5xx "Internal Server Error" responses when hitting the /details endpoint starting a few days ago. This wasn't an issue prior to mid feb and I haven't made any changes to the code since.

I'm thinking Resy has changed something on their end but I'm not sure what it is. Inspecting the API request on the website shows it looks the same as far as I can tell.

Anyone else seeing this issue?

Same issue. Been trying to debug to no avail.

I believe they've changed around the endpoint significantly, if you check in the console its now a POST endpoint and receives the data in the request body instead of in query params

Hey everyone

When I'm hitting the details/ endpoint im getting same 500 error as you all. And I can confirm with @ragnarak54 that they're using a POST now instead of GET for details/.

However, when i configured everything in Postman, it seems like the details/ endpoint is working for GET when i use Params, but it's not working for POST when i use Body form-data. Just thought I'd post this as I find this to be super weird -- if anyone has any info here let us know!

GET working in postman:

POST not working in postman:

@michael-abbate it shouldn't be a form-data body, but a raw json if youre trying to POST to /details. the body is the same, but you just have the wrong type (you can see its application/json in the website's call in the console)