
Works great but getting Output is throwing an error.

NightPants opened this issue · 6 comments

First off, love this works great!

I get this error when running "ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath. Using SimpleLogger to log to the console..."

It appears that the only thing is impacts is the debug/output. any thoughts on what would resolve it? it would be very nice to see success/failures

Thanks again!

I've seen this happen to me rarely. Usually rerunning it fixes it. You may want to restart your IDE or refresh your dependencies to get it to pick up.

Haven't heard back on this. LMK if this addresses your issue or not. Otherwise, I will close this out.

Sorry for the delay, I tried to few times to restart times to the IDE and also reload the dependencies and I was getting the same error.

I am using VS code, and it could probably be related to that but what ended up working for me was changing this code in the build.sbt file:

"org.apache.logging.log4j" % "log4j-core" % "2.13.0",// % Runtime,
//"org.apache.logging.log4j" % "log4j-core" % "2.13.0" % Runtime,
I commented out the "Runtime" and that worked for me, but again it pobably was just VS code issue with the Log4j2 logger.

That is interesting. I'll try messing with it a bit. As long as it works with sbt then I think it's fine since that is the "Scala way". The % Runtime scopes it so it only uses that library under certain contexts. So removing % Runtime makes it always available. So it's not preferred but if it helps compatibility then maybe it's worth it.