
Set aspect ratio of pattern image

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The image is viewed with square pixels. But stitches do not necessarily have the same height and width. Perhaps there could be an option to set the ratio of height to width to get a better idea of how the knitting is going to come out.

You could set the gauge in Preferences, or in the Options panel on the RHS of the display. I think I prefer putting it on the Options panel with a slider control, but I don't really have strong feelings about it.

Adrienne suggests that it could default to either 1x1 as it is now, or to a typical Fair Isle gauge such as 28x36 to 10cm/4ins.

Perhaps we should also make suggestions in the documentation for what the aspect ratio is likely to be. I understand that it varies with the knitting mode and the number of colours. I seem to recall Alessandrina writing about that on her blog somewhere.

I suppose you would do a swatch to calibrate the ratio for your specific machine/stitch/yarn/tension, and use that ratio when digitizing images in GIMP. It's that digitizing step that is critical, so it probably doesn't matter too much if the ratio isn't exactly right onscreen. Screen resolution is also an issue for large patterns. So maybe just 2 presets of (say) 1:1 and 3:4 is OK?

Adrienne commented:

Yes, the important place to do your gauge math is in Gimp or wherever. The problem we're trying to solve is that when you bring it into AYAB at 1x1 it looks a bit stretched on screen, but knits up correctly. I suppose just the presets you're suggesting would be enough, as it's only about the visuals, no effect on the actual knitting.

On reflection, maybe just a few preset choices is better than entering the actual gauge, as we don't want to give the idea that AYAB can change the image itself to match your gauge. That's a whole image-manipulation thing that AYAB doesn't attempt to tackle.

I suggest we try 1:1 and 4:5 for starters, it's easy to add more later. I'll put the option in preferences to avoid cluttering up the options panel, but again it's easy enough to move.