
Left/right image alignment options are incoherent

Closed this issue · 1 comments

What do we want "align left" and "align right" to mean?

In the current version of the software (Jan 2, commit 8bdb8a6), with the "knit side" box unchecked, looking at the purl side:

  • When alignment is set to "left", that aligns on the LHS of the screen image. But on the knitted article, looking at the knit side, this will result in an image that is aligned to the RHS of the garment.
  • With alignment set to "left", when we check the "knit side image" checkbox, the image is now aligned to the RHS of the screen.

I'm not sure what the original Brother software does, but the current behaviour seems wrong. If "align left" means "align on the LHS of the screen", then that should happen whether or not the "knit side image" checkbox is checked. If "align left" means "align in the LHS of the finished garment", then that is the reverse of what is happening at the moment.

Originally posted by @t0mpr1c3 in #613 (comment)

Now that we have renamed the needle sides "left" and "right" instead of "orange" and "green", it is clear that "Left" and "right" in means left and right on the screen, not on the eventual garment.